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If you are looking for someone who can mentor you through the ups and downs

Having a mentor can be so beneficial in your walk with Christ. Cornerstone thinks it is important to be involved in mentorship relationships, but we also understand it can be intimidating to ask people or possibly you don't know anyone. We want to connect you with people who will be a good fit in mentoring you, so let's explore mentoring a little bit together.

What is a Mentor?

A mentor is someone who walks alongside you in your faith journey. This person is someone who is mature in their faith so they can help you to find your gifts that God has given you. Mentorship can happen in many different ways, and like many things it looks different for everyone, but the one consistency is that they are helping you to grow in your faith.

Why do I want a mentor?

Every person needs guidance in their faith, whether that be a teacher, a coach, a pastor etc. A mentor is someone who can help guide you in your spiritual life because most likely they have gone through something similar. If we look at the Bible there are many examples of mentorship such as: Moses and Joshua, Elijah and Elisha, Jesus and His disciples, and Paul and Timothy.

How can I get a mentor?

Cornerstone finds it important to both be mentored and to mentor, so our job is the hardest part of mentorship which is to find someone for you. If you fill out the card below we will match you with someone who can mentor you and connect you with each other. This is a great step in growing closer to God and also a great step towards community with each other.