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Bible Resources

Bible Reading & Study Resources

Resources to spark the journey as you "devote yourself to the apostle's teaching" (Acts 2:42)

Bible Reading Resources

  • Your Bible – and I actually mean “your” Bible
  • You probably have one (and if not we will get you one!). Open it up and maybe read a chapter of a Gospel each day – Pastor Rick likes Mark. Or try reading until something stands out to you and then pray and ponder it. Don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. Enjoy walking and learning with and from Jesus.

  • Bible in One Year - app by Alpha International.
  • A reading plan to take you through the Bible in 365 days. Each day includes passages from the NT, OT, Prophets and Psalms or Proverbs. You can either read or listen to the passages. An easy and accessible way to read and understand the Bible.

  • YouVersion Bible - app by Life Church.
  • A variety of reading plans are available (look under “Plans” at the bottom and choose what best suits your interest). Option of many different translations with reading or listening available.

  • Our Daily Bread - app by RBC Ministries.
  • The application version of familiar print version (which the church still has available for pick-up) in an application form.

  • Bible Reading Plans - available from the Navigators
  • Three Bible reading plans in downloadable form for the new year. Options for a variety of needs, Check out https://www.navigators.org/resource/bible-reading-plans for the plan that best fits you (there’s even 5 minute a day option!).

Bible Study Resources

  • RightNow Mediahttps://www.rightnowmedia.org/  - a vast array of Bible Study videos that can be done on your own or together with others (they even have a group viewing option!). If you’re not signed up for it we can do that through the church office! Lisa Hrycan recommends James Study with Francis Chan or the Philippians Study with Jo Saxton.

  • The Bible Project - https://bibleproject.com/  - choose from overviews of biblical books, topics, themes or even discussion of how to read the Bible in its various genres.

This is by no means a comprehensive list - reach out to someone that loves Jesus for even more ideas.