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Financial Updates

Financial Updates

At Cornerstone we want to be transparent with our financial information as we recognize our accountability first to God and then to our members. Below you will find different financial statements and updates. We will do our best to update these at least quarterly, but please contact us if you have any questions. You can phone our main office: 306-931-4949 or you can email us: info@cornerstoneyxe.ca

Financial Updates

Below you will see our quarterly updates that include what we have received in donations, what we have spent so far and what our budget is for this year.

Auditor's Reports

We now have our 2023 Auditor's Report available, you can access it below. If you would like a physical copy of this report please contact the office (info@cornerstoneyxe.ca).

Annual Report

If you would like to know what happened at Cornerstone during 2023 and to see what we have planned for the future, please check out our Annual Report below!