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Board Leadership

Who the Board are, updates and how to contact them

Cornerstone Church Board Members

**Picture coming soon!**

Cornerstone's Board Members

Brandon Peters (Treasurer), Nathan Unruh (Assistant Chair), Wilma Dyck (Secretary), Dale Derksen, Dennis Ens, Justin Thomas (Chairperson)

Cornerstone's Purpose Mission Vision Value (PMVV) Statement

Click on the button below to download the PMVV Statement

Leadership Model of Cornerstone

At Cornerstone Church we are a congregation-led Church. What that looks like practicallly is the congregation delegates leadership (through voting) to our Board members and our Pastoral staff. Below is an image outlining the structure of Cornerstone and if you have any questions please contact the Board.

Contact the Board

If you would like to email the Board any questions, feedback, etc. please email board@cornerstoneyxe.ca

** Please allow time for the Board to meet (if required) before they respond to your email.